On this day in 1963 the children were arriving into their
classrooms for Sunday School at 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham,
Alabama. The lesson set was, "The Love that Forgives," based on the
Sermon on the Mount in Mat 5:43, 44. "You have heard that it was said,
'Love your neighbour and hate your enemy' but I tell you, Love your enemies and
pray for those who persecute you."
At around twenty past ten a bomb
made up from a dozen or so sticks of dynamite planted near the back porch of
the church building exploded. Glass windows blew out, roofing timbers fell into
the sanctuary, pews were splintered and the rooms nearest the blast were
Back in those days of segregation it
was an all-white police force that arrived on the scene to restore order, but
black church members who sifted through the rubble and immediately tended the
wounded. Four young girls had been killed - Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, Addie Mae Collins and Cynthia Wesley. The broken body of one was found and lifted from the rubble by her own grandfather. Seventeen other people were more or less severely injured. Given that there were 400 people in the building at the time, this was actually a remarkable low toll, but utterly dreadful, nonetheless.
wounded. Four young girls had been killed - Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, Addie Mae Collins and Cynthia Wesley. The broken body of one was found and lifted from the rubble by her own grandfather. Seventeen other people were more or less severely injured. Given that there were 400 people in the building at the time, this was actually a remarkable low toll, but utterly dreadful, nonetheless.
Birmingham had suffered many bomb
attacks over the preceding decade or more. In fact, local residents had given
the place the nickname “Bombingham”. But this was the first against a church,
and targeted just when the children would be occupying the worst-hit part of
the building. It took 14 years to bring the Ku Klux Klan member responsible to
justice, and not till 2001 was anyone else convicted of taking part in the
I am too young to remember this
event. I am convinced that many people younger than me, in the UK at least, and
especially whites, have very little consciousness of that period. When people
moan about “political correctness gone mad” etc., they may be forgetting that “political
correctness” is at root treating other people as human beings, and not blowing
up little girls in Sunday School.
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The damage at the church |
As the refugee crisis causes
feelings to rise, I have been disturbed by the element of racism that is around
us. I have heard talk of an influx of “non-white” refugees. Someone with whom I
work regularly talks freely of Poles being thieves, their women being sluts, of
foreigners being unwelcome, of shuddering at the thought of black men because
they all smell. Another friend posted thoughts on the refugee crisis from an
overtly white-supremacist site. In the year that I visited Auschwitz, it sends
shivers to see a sentence like, “Jewish
Supremacists... are using the
“holocaust fable” to promote and justify the current Third World invasion of
We need to remember
that a pause in inter-racial hate and violence is more exception than rule in
human societies. That the relative peace and common humanity we have been
enjoying is a lovely oasis in a tragic and sorrowful world. We need to remember
our shock back in the Bosnian war – “these people who were ethnically cleansed
had washing machines!” We need to keep it real.
A fundamental
Christian doctrine is that of the unity of the human race as creatures made in
God’s image. The Salvation Army doctrines don’t hammer that out as explicitly
as they might; a statement of faith that I used to have to sign kicks off its
third article with “All
men and women, being created in the image of God, have inherent and equal
dignity and worth.” I know of no one in the SA who would have troubles with
that article. On the one hand it outlaws racism; on the other, it promotes a
high view of the glory, honour and dignity of every human being, at every stage
of life, whatever their colour, culture or creed, poverty or riches, success or
failure, moral excellence or disaster; whether intelligent or with difficulties
understanding things; whether beautiful or ugly, tall or short, male or female,
young or old. It makes us stand against the rising tide of new hate. It calls
us to care, to be concerned, to welcome and help and serve our neighbour –
first because God made us to honour him and honour his image in each other, and
second because our Lord Jesus came to serve and calls us to serve too.
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Members of the public watch the funeral for one of the girls. |
I am a grandfather. I have three little granddaughters. My
feelings of protectiveness and care for them are, if anything, even greater
than my feelings were towards my children at the same age. (Perhaps the
relative distance and powerlessness of grandparents makes us more nervous!) I
can only begin to imagine what it must be like to find your grandchild’s body,
limp and lifeless. Bad enough after an illness or accident – but for someone to
take her life like that?!
On this anniversary, let’s remember how ugly racism really
can get. And then let’s do all we can, as salt and light, to stop our society
going there.
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